Smile Resolutions for 2023

Your dental health is an important part of your overall wellness, and the New Year is a great time to design resolutions for establishing healthy habits. Whether it’s improving toothbrushing habits or completing dental treatment, wellness resolutions are ALWAYS in season and the benefits of setting goals can be rewarding and motivating. Remember to make resolutions attainable by taking baby steps to achieve them.

Routine Dental Visits: The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that you visit your dentist twice a year for a routine checkup to help maintain optimal oral health and identify any potential dental concerns before they have a chance to develop into something more serious. If you have been putting off your checkup or restorative work that needs to be done, then set a goal to get it done right away. Most dental insurance plans renew at the beginning of the year, which means that you have new coverage for the services that are needed.

Brush & Floss Daily: Brushing twice-a-day and flossing daily keeps harmful bacteria and plaque at bay, freshens your breath, and brightens your smile — which is typically the first thing people notice about you. Plus, it only takes a handful of minutes each day to floss and brush, so once you get into a routine it will be easy to maintain!

Choose Water Instead of Soda: It’s important to stay hydrated, but sipping on a soda throughout the day can be one of the worst things you can do for your dental health. Every time you take a sip, the sugar from the soda coats your teeth and creates the perfect acidic environment that promotes tooth decay.

In 2023, ditch the soda and switch it out for healthier alternatives like water.

Get a New Toothbrush: When was the last time you got a new toothbrush? It’s recommended that you replace your toothbrush every three to four months. One of the reasons is that the bristles can wear, making the toothbrush less effective. But a lesser-known reason for replacing your toothbrush is all about cleanliness. Toothbrushes are susceptible to bacteria just like the teeth, meaning that if you don’t take care of it adequately and keep it clean between use, you could be introducing bacteria into your mouth every time you brush.

Kick the Habit: Smoking has been linked to several health issues, making “quit smoking” one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions. When it comes to dental health, quitting smoking can be a game changer. Smokers face increased risk of everything from chronic bad breath and tooth discoloration, to loss of jawbone density, gum disease and tooth loss. Smokers also face an increased risk of developing oral cancer.

For more tips on how to improve your smile, like us on Facebook and Instagram, or contact us today! 


It’s Time to Show your Gums Some Love!
