Back to School Dental Tips for a Healthy Smile

Back-to-school physical? Scheduled. New clothes and shoes? Bought. But don't forget about your children's teeth! It may be tempting while you're squeezing in every last minute of summer fun in Door County to skip their summer dental appointment, but it's every bit as important as a yearly physical. 

Here are some helpful dental tips to get you ready for back to school.

1.     Re-establish Your Dental Routine

During the summer, it can be easy to miss a brushing or two. Re-establishing your dental routine will help encourage your little ones to keep up with their preventive care at home. Brushing 2 times a day and flossing at least 1 time a day. We recommend brushing their teeth to their favorite song!

2.     Avoid Sugary Drinks & Treats

When picking up those back-to-school snacks and lunches, be mindful of how much sugar is in the food or drinks. Eating or drinking lots of sugar can lead to cavities and tooth decay. We recommend apples, nuts, cheese and plain yogurt (watch out for added sugars).

3.     Drink Lots of Water

Drinking water will keep you hydrated, but it will also help remove any bacteria and plaque from building up.

4.     Schedule your Dental Visit

The back-to-school rush can get hectic, and it's tempting to forgo your child's cleaning and exam, especially if they don't complain of pain or show any signs of cavities or other dental problems. But a child's oral health affects their whole body. Making sure they start the school year with a healthy smile can save time out of school and prevent emergencies that are no day at the beach.


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